5 Things To Consider When Training A New Puppy


Black Puppy, Cute Puppy with Blue Leash

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay


If you’re thinking of bringing a new untrained puppy into your home but you don’t know where to begin then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. With so many important things to consider when it comes to training them, you need to be sure you’re as prepared as you can be. From finding them puppy training classes to rewarding them for good behavior, the more you’re doing the better trained they will be. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider before training a new puppy: 


– Do They Have Any Experience?

One of the first things you need to think about is whether or not they have any experience when it comes to puppy training. Although this will be dependent on whether or not they were trained by their previous owners, you need to ensure you’re finding out what experience they do have. Whether it’s going to the toilet on a training mat or sitting for a treat, a little bit of previous training can make the world of difference. For tips and tricks when it comes to training a new puppy, you can visit this site here.


– How Old Are They?

Another important thing to consider is how only the puppy is. Although you’re not allowed to take a pup from their mother until they’re at least 8 weeks old, there are some cases where you may be bringing an older puppy into your home. If that’s the case, you may find it a little harder to train them.


– Will You Take Them To Classes?

When it comes to training a puppy one of the best things you can do is take them to puppy training classes. Whilst they can be expensive, it’s a great way to learn everything you need to know about training them. If you’re training your dog to be a guide dog, a therapy dog, or a working dog you may also need to invest in special training. For a guide to therapy dog training, you can visit this site here.


– Are They Spending Time With Other Dogs?

Another thing you might want to consider is whether or not your puppy will be spending time with other dogs. If this is the case, you might want to train them on how to act in social situations. Whether this means regularly taking them to the park or using puppy socializing events, the more you’re doing the better.


– How Will You Reward Them?

Finally, you need to think about how you’re going to reward your puppy when they do something good. Whether it’s performing a trick or using their puppy training pads, you need to be sure you’re rewarding them each and every time. For a guide to rewarding your puppy, you can visit this site here.


Are you thinking of bringing a new puppy into your home? What do you need to consider before they arrive? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.


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