Should You Move to Your Dream City?

photo of Empire State building during daytime

Image Credit: Unsplash 

We all have that one place where we felt completely at home. Perhaps you were on holiday, totally relaxed, and dreaming of moving into your hotel permanently or maybe you were just passing through on the way to somewhere else. Or your dream city could only be in your head, still to be found in the real world. 

But whether your dream city is the university town that got under your skin like Anthony Markofsky or you have never lived there for more than a holiday, if you get the chance to move to your dream city should you take it? The answer might be more complicated than you might think! 

Living the Dream Lifestyle

One of the main reasons that people move to cities is to make the most of the lifestyle there. Some cities are best known for their food (practically anywhere in Italy or France), others for their music (Melbourne and New Orleans spring to mind), and still others for their high-rise lifestyle (New York, Beijing, and Singapore to name just a few). 

But, when you are thinking about the lifestyle you want, you should be thinking about more than just where that is. Your lifestyle comes down to how you spend your time and your money as well as opportunity. Look at your dream city through the lens of a worker bee as well as a holidaymaker. Is it still just as exciting? 

Finding the Right Home

The right home is vital for your dream to come true but while you might be able to make the inside more attractive, you need to be aware of just how much inside you can afford. Cities like New York or London might be thrilling culturally but do remember that with so many people around, homes are getting smaller and more expensive all the time! 

You need to be realistic about what your budget will afford you and where you will get the most for your money. If your heart is set on a particular city and district, you may be disappointed so broaden your horizons and think a little further beyond perfect. 

Friends and Family

Though upping and moving to a new city is bursting with opportunity, you should think about the friends and family around you. Will you be moving too far away to see each other regularly? Do you want to be close to your family or are you happy to move away? While you will certainly make new friends when you move, these questions should inform your choice as it can be isolating to find yourself in a new place without that support network. 

That said, making new friends in a new city is a fun way to discover new things about yourself and explore new avenues of interest. The city life is all about getting out of your home and seeing the world around you. Experience is everything and a new circle of friends is just a part of that. 

Moving to your dream city could be the best thing you ever do but don’t make the decision rashly, take your time, do your research and be smart.

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