Eating Healthily When You’re Short of Time

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of modern living’s most difficult challenges. But it shouldn’t be. Eating healthy food is important for your health, helping to boost your immunity and your heart health, as well as helping you to manage your weight.


One of the biggest challenges people face when trying to eat healthily is time. When you’re always on the go or you’ve got several mouths to feed, it’s easier to turn to convenience food to make life easier. But can’t healthy be convenient too? Here are some great tips to help you eat better when you’re short of time.

person holding black frying pan

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Use Sunday as your prep day

Cooking healthy meals at home usually means cooking from scratch, something that can take up a lot of time each evening. But more and more people are taking to meal prepping on a Sunday to make things a little easier. If you spend time on a Sunday prepping food, you’ll easily have a few days’ worth of meals ready to simply heat up as and when you need them.


You could take Sunday as a day to batch-cook some recipes and put some in the freezer to use whenever you’re having one of those ‘I don’t want to cook’ days.

Use easy cookers to save time

There are all kinds of kitchen devices designed to make cooking quick and easy. A slow cooker is a great example, as you can put ingredients in it in the morning, and by the time you come home from work, it will be all ready!


A rice cooker is another fantastic time-saving kitchen device. There are tasty dishes you can try like teriyaki shrimp and rice, and other rice cooker recipes from to help you whip up tasty rice-based dishes easily. Cooking healthy meals doesn’t have to be hard, there are plenty of kitchen gadgets that can help you save a lot of time.

Try some new recipes

Many people think of eating healthily as needing to spend ages preparing and cooking meals, but you could be surprised at how easy some things are to make. Aim to try a new recipe or two a week to see how easy it is to find some quick and tasty recipes. 


Remember, dessert can be healthy too! Check out these tasty recipes to help you fit dessert into your healthy diet.

Make your own batches of sauce and herb mixes

A lot of the things you’d use for simpler cooking at home – jars of sauce, herb mixes, etc., are all things that can be done at home. There are some cool recipes for DIY herb and seasoning mixes that will be perfect for your next Italian or Mexican night! With sauces, you can reuse jars over and over again, providing you with a more sustainable solution to your home cooking.


With some clever hacks and a bit of pre-planning, you can take the time to eat healthier. Start switching up your routine and start making more of an effort to eat healthier at home.

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